For any organisation where key tracking and restricted key access security are important, ProMaster Key Manager 8 software is the leading solution. PM8 is the newest version of the master-keying software. It will allow you to track who has your keys and where the key holder can access, providing effective security.
To ensure tight security, ProMaster Key Manager 8 has a wide range of security settings that your administrator may grant to each user (e.g. Data entry, issue keys, lost keys, etc.) and you may even restrict who may access each system and each key cabinet.
At Independent Locksmiths & Security we run ProMaster Master-Keying 8 to create stand-alone key systems. If we manage your master-key system, using ProMaster we can send you a data file containing all the information about your system, which you can import into ProMaster Key Manager 8. You will be able to create orders for additional keys in this software and send the order to us via email.